Category: Legal Blog

In simplistic terms, a will is a document whereby an individual designates the individuals, charities or other entities who will receive his property upon death, who will manage his estate (in Florida known as the Personal Representative) and can include other provisions such as how a trustee under a trust created pursuant to the will […]Continue reading


Revocable Trusts have become synonymous with probate avoidance, cost savings, and other benefits. Trusts can definitely offer benefits depending on the types of assets you own and the number and type of family members involved in the equation. Despite, these benefits, it is necessary to understand collateral issues related to trusts, and certain steps must […]Continue reading


Powers of attorney in Florida are governed by the Florida Power of Attorney Act (“the FPAA). The following is a brief outline of the provisions of the statutes regulating the validity and enforceability of powers of attorney in Florida. Definition A power of attorney is defined in Florida Statute 709.2402, as a writing that grants […]Continue reading


A lady bird deed, also known as an enhanced life estate deed, is a form of conveyance used in estate planning relating to the transfer of real property. A lady bird deed allows a property owner to transfer property to the person designated in the deed without the need for probate. It is essentially the […]Continue reading


eople often ask if a Will is absolutely necessary. The answer is almost always yes. There are so many factors to consider depending on the type of property involved and the identity of the heirs, whether homestead property is involved, but Generally speaking, it is best to always have a will as a back-up, even […]Continue reading


Changes in the law, including those relating to the surviving spouse’s ability to “port” the decease spouse’s unused exemption, have created an opportunity for practitioners to utilize flexible strategies for families regarding shielding family assets from being subjected to estate taxation. Prior to portability, the estate ordinarily had to implement a static a/b type trust […]Continue reading